Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Sharing The Vision

Sensory Reflections "Share the Vision" grade 2 Brailleby Amy Monthei

As many of you know former art consultant Amy Monthei is now living in Honolulu, Hawaii.  She continues to produce wonderful creations and we wanted to catch you up on her since many of our designers and clients will remember working with her at Visual arts.
We wanted to share some fun news about the piece she created last year created for the Sight Savers America "Hero for Sight Award".  Her painting Sensory Reflections "Share the Vision" grade 2 Braille had been hanging in the UAB Callahan Eye hospital on a feature wall on main lobby for the past year.

Amy Monthei with her painting at the award Gala last March in Birmingham, AL

Amy's painting hanging in the lobby of UAB Callahan Eye Hospital in Birmingham, AL

The president of UAB Callahan Eye Hospital, Brian Spraberry, didn’t want to let the painting go and everyone who works in the hospital has fallen in love with it.  So, it is now located on the 3rd floor of the hospital in a prime location, at the intersection of the hallway to the main surgical suite and the hallway leading to the board room, education classrooms, conference rooms, and administration.  Anyone going to surgery, doctors from the Birmingham area, staff, visitors, people from all over the country who are meeting with hospital doctors/researchers/administration will pass by it.

The painting in the new permanent location at UHB Callahan Eye Hospital
What a terrific honor for Amy and we know she has more to come!

About Sight Savers Americia and The Hero for Sight awards:

Please contact us at:
275 Market Street Ste. 197
Minneapolis, MN 55405




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